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  Mucha's "The Slav Epic"May 06, 2013 11:21 PM PDT | url
Added 2 new A* pages:Recently I linked to a collection of turn-of-the-century (do people say that about the 2000s yet? 'cause I mean the 1900s :P) Czech artist Alfons Mucha's visual interpretation of the Lord's Prayer in a set of seven stunning black and white lithographs, first printed in Paris in 1900. Well, later in life Mucha became very interested in portraying the history of the Slavic people, and spent a decade and a half painting 20 huge (we're talking 20 foot high, 25 foot wide) canvases depicting what Mucha felt were key points in the history of the Slavs. Painted in tempura, they are brilliantly colored and masterfully composed, fully of intricate detail of dozens of figures in all sorts of impressive scenes; last night I finally got the bug to collect the best images I could find of them on the 'net into a complete set of his full Slav Epic, and duly posted it on my tumblr, although I had to break it into two parts because tumblr limits you to 10 images per post. : P So here's Mucha's Slav Epic, cycles 1 through 10 and cycles 10 through 20.
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