^ Pencil sketch for a reader supporting the comic through my Patreon campaign! : )) Giant appreciation to everyone helping me with the comic!!
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My smbhax.tumblr.com blog got "mistakenly" flagged by Tumblr's anti-spam routines this week, triggering a nefarious we-don't-shadowban-our-users shadowban: you aren't told anything about it, but suddenly your blog can't send or receive messages, and your posts don't show up in search results. : P So I spent all week struggling to get that resolved, and finally managed it this afternoon—but I was sweating it because all week I was reading accounts by people who've been not-shadowbanned and seemingly ignored by Tumblr support, per their telling of it, for like six months or something. = o But I yesterday I stumbled across what seems to be a way of getting through to support and having it cleared up in under 24 hours, whew! Anyway you can read about that in the article I wrote about it on the smbhax.tumblr.com blog; also, to sate my hunger for posting various comics and art and news and science and games whatever things during the week, I made an emergency sideblog, smbhax2000.tumblr.com, which I guess I'll keep around in case some other nefarious glitch ever afflicts my main tumblr blog again. ; )