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  If you meet the Burr in the road...Jul 06, 2011 6:11 AM PDT | url
Added 1 new A* page:Selenis there is demonstrating a two-handed (recommended for use against the Burr-ly man) wristlock of the type known as "kote gaeshi" (or just "kotegaeshi") in Japanese; according to Wikipedia, it is a supinating wristlock, which is a big word. Here is an aikido fellow from Wikipedia demonstrating one way they do it in that martial art:
image by Janwikifoto (source)
And here it is in motion:
video on Youtube
(There's also a decent demonstration in Japanese, if that's your preference.)
Wristlocks are awfully tricky to draw, what with the strange twists and all those fingers. After I'd gotten through it I realized my wrist hurt a little, and I thought oh no, the arms on my new chair must be the wrong height and I'm getting carpal tunnel with the drawing tablet! But then I remembered that I'd also been demonstrating the wristlock on myself for a good half hour or so, in between drawing it upside-down--and it's been well over a decade since I did the proper wrist-strengthening exercises on a regular basis. Well, nobody said art was gonna be easy, I guess.
Kote gaeshi--and indeed most of the wrist techniques in Aikido--produces quite a reaction when applied to someone who hasn't experienced one before--a reaction that seems to be expressing the certainty that the world is about to end, and specifically in the locality of the victim's wrist. I always thought this extremely surprised reaction was interesting, because, well, how does anyone *think* it's going to feel to have their wrist twisted halfway around? But people seem quite surprised that it's uncomfortable, and then they usually go and make it worse by flopping around desperately. Not the thing to do when you've been put in a wristlock! Burr, at least, has not done that part. ... That would've been harder to draw, anyway. :P
Hm that guy laying on the wristlock in that photo up above looks kinda Burr-like. And Buddha-like. Maybe I should've given Burr a beard.
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