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  Ep. 3 WIP: Jumbo mumboMay 15, 2009 4:25 AM PDT | url
Yay, voices for episode 3 are done. But I still have to do lip-synching and music, which probably means I won't have the episode done until Monday.
I was wondering for a while if I should put radio-type static on voices that come through an intercom or ship communication channel, but, like I didn't want to put normal analog static on a broadcast image, I also don't want to do it for sounds, since all this communication stuff should be digital for these people. So, similar to how I sneak in a little flash of a lower-resolution image on a broadcast face, after some experimentation, I found that you can get that "over the airwaves" digital effect simply by downsampling the voice sound file to a lower sample rate--effective *and* a bandwidth-saver, how convenient!
Here's an example of that, and one of the frames that goes with it:
Normal version
"Digital broadcast" version

Subtle, but helps distinguish the speakers in a conversation when one's local and one's remote. How's my neo-Southern drawl?
As usual, lines where Vero's shouting proved the most challenging. There are three in a row with him shouting toward the end of this episode (that Vero and his temper!), and I dunno, I probably came close to 100 takes and a sore throat just trying to get those to come out like I wanted--and who knows what my neighbors think of me at this point. In order to try to keep up my spirits I saved a few of outtakes for you. Not only did I sometimes just say the line wrong, I even started getting so confused I was mixing the lines together midway through!
Vero swearing outtake 1: bad reading
Vero swearing outtake 2: mixing lines

Oh, the hilarity! I think I'm just bad at swearing. =P
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