Welcome to Supermassive Black Hole A*, the hard sci-fi webcomic! A*—pronounced "A star"—tells stories of a human civilization
at the center of the Milky Way galaxy: an area of space dominated
by a gigantic black hole, where energy is abundant and life is cheap.
A* comics arrive daily Monday through Friday—although sometimes
they don't get finished and uploaded until the
wee hours of the next morning, technically speaking.
There really *is* a supermassive
black hole at the center of our galaxy:
Sagittarius A*,
so named by scientific observers because it appears as the brightest
part of a high energy radio source, denominated "A,"
located in the constellation Sagittarius when viewed from Earth. Sgr A*,
the center of the Milky Way galaxy, about 26,000 light years from Earth,
is roughly 4,000,000 times as massive as the Sun.