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  Bird's EyeSep 18, 2024 9:37 PM PDT | url
Added 1 new A* page:People must look awful funny to birds. = o
The original 16" x 6.75" watercolor art for today's new A* page is up for auction on eBay. : )
  The problem with spaceSep 17, 2024 7:06 PM PDT | url

From "The Fantastic Four!" in Fantastic Four #1, November 1961. Stan Lee script, Jack Kirby pencils, George Klein inks—with alterations probably by Sol Brodsky, Stan Goldberg colors, Artie Simek letters.
  Ascband - ACSII-DOS-style Angband roguelikeSep 16, 2024 7:08 PM PDT | url
I did NOT get drawing done for the next A* page today, I was all woozy from a dive too deep down a silly rabbit's hole over the weekend, sigh.
What was it? I for some reason decided to cobble together my years of tinkering with silly customizations to the ancient roguelike game Angband—official home page:—and compile them together as a functional version other people could download and play. Figured I should do it before I forgot how it all worked.
And I'd kind of forgotten how with Angband, nothing is quick and easy—maybe my masochistic streak is why I like the darn thing. Anyway, my customized version turns the old ASCII game into a sort of VGA-styled thing, in a rather slick (this is almost all stuff actual open-source game developers have done over the years, not me—but almost nobody puts this particular SDL2 front end together, for some reason, and certainly not in this Frankensteined way) and sleek little package of procedurally generated chunky bitmap and font-art fantasy dungeon crawling. My settings have it looking like this

I call my customized version "Ascband"—after "ASCII," I suppose, and it sounds funny yet is pretty easy to say, so, double bonus; it's a free 13.2 MB download from the archive page I put together for it,
Can YOU get to the bottom of that big 'ol dungeon?

^ From "The Fantastic Four!" in Fantastic Four #1, November 1961. Stan Lee script, Jack Kirby pencils, George Klein inks—with alterations probably by Sol Brodsky, Stan Goldberg colors, Artie Simek letters. Photoshop color reduction.
  No running in the aisleSep 13, 2024 11:21 PM PDT | url

^ Pencil sketch for a reader supporting the comic through my Patreon campaign! Massive thank to everyone helping me with the comic! ^ _^

^ From "The Fantastic Four!" in Fantastic Four #1, November 1961. Stan Lee script, Jack Kirby pencils, George Klein inks—with alterations probably by Sol Brodsky, Stan Goldberg colors, Artie Simek letters. Photoshop color reduction.
  ShadeSep 12, 2024 9:05 PM PDT | url
Added 1 new A* page:~ ~ ~

^ From "The Fantastic Four!" in Fantastic Four #1, November 1961. Stan Lee script, Jack Kirby pencils, George Klein inks—with alterations probably by Sol Brodsky, Stan Goldberg colors, Artie Simek letters.
The original 16" x 6.75" watercolor art for today's new A* page is up for auction on eBay. : )
  No OpeningSep 11, 2024 8:29 PM PDT | url

From "The Fantastic Four!" in Fantastic Four #1, November 1961. Stan Lee script, Jack Kirby pencils, George Klein inks—with alterations probably by Sol Brodsky, Stan Goldberg colors, Artie Simek letters.
  Your SizeSep 10, 2024 7:54 PM PDT | url
Added 1 new A* page:~ ~ ~

^ From "The Fantastic Four!" in Fantastic Four #1, November 1961. Stan Lee script, Jack Kirby pencils, George Klein inks—with alterations probably by Sol Brodsky, Stan Goldberg colors, Artie Simek letters.
The original 16" x 6.75" watercolor art for today's new A* page is up for auction on eBay. : )
  PointedSep 09, 2024 8:56 PM PDT | url

From "Trapped by the Porcupine!" in Tales to Astonish #53, March 1964. Stan Lee script, Dick Ayers pencils & inks, Sam Rosen letters.
  Stealth smilesSep 06, 2024 5:59 PM PDT | url

^ Pencil sketch for a reader supporting the comic through my Patreon campaign! Really very large nay GIGANTIC thanks to everyone helping me with the comic! = DD
~ ~ ~

^ From "All About Iron Man" in Tales of Suspense #55, July 1964. Stan Lee script, Don Heck pencils & inks, Sam Rosen letters. Original colorist unknown.
  Minimum WeightSep 05, 2024 8:19 PM PDT | url
Added 1 new A* page:
^ From "All About Iron Man" in Tales of Suspense #55, July 1964. Stan Lee script, Don Heck pencils & inks, Sam Rosen letters. Original colorist unknown.
The original 16" x 6.75" watercolor art for today's new A* page is up for auction on eBay. : )
  Get SeriousSep 04, 2024 5:38 PM PDT | url

From "All About Iron Man" in Tales of Suspense #55, July 1964. Stan Lee script, Don Heck pencils & inks, Sam Rosen letters. Original colorist unknown. Photoshop color reduction. Png compression by compress-or-die.
  Hours of PracticeSep 03, 2024 7:42 PM PDT | url
Added 1 new A* page:~~~

^ From "All About Iron Man" in Tales of Suspense #55, July 1964. Stan Lee script, Don Heck pencils & inks, Sam Rosen letters. Original colorist unknown. Photoshop color reduction.
The original 16" x 6.75" watercolor art for today's new A* page is up for auction on eBay. : )
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