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  End of episode 46!May 30, 2024 9:31 PM PDT | url
Added 1 new A* page:That's the last page of episode 46!
I'll be taking some days away from drawing to do the usual e-book making, wrapping up of files, and prepping for the next episode—but this also somewhat awkwardly butts up against the first trip I have to take since before the pandemic, which will take about a week on its own; I think I may get the first page of episode 47 drawn before I leave, but probably not painted and posted. So there will likely be a bit of a break here in page production. I'll keep you posted on what I'm up to up to when I take off late next week!
The original 16" x 6.75" watercolor art for today's new A* page is up for auction on eBay. : )
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